Thursday, July 12, 2007

How to do publicity for visionontv

The project is currently in stealth mode, just coming outa BETA testing.

We plan to start from the bottom up then when that is running after a few weeks we start the top down publicity.

Bottom up publicity
The key thing here is to get 10-15 new people onboard who are willing to spend a hour a day righting reviews for the new web2 sights. The key websites to start with are probably digg, StumbleUpon and Technorati. For the more tacy minded Slashdot is a good place to.

You can easily start this process by using the Bookmark button on the visionontv page. Create a login for each sight – then write-down your login and password!!! Then review the main vision on tv page as a first step – then review shows you practically like/dislike (all publicity is good publicity). Make shore you put the web address in each review (as html if you can), also use the tags visionontv, undercurrents, offlinetv and the name of the show and other appropriate keywords - this is very important.

Feel free to also post reviews to blogs, news sight and anywhere you can think of as the more mentions with links and tags the more visible the project becomes.

Top down approach
We approach traditional media with storeys about the buzz in the grassroots and the transition in broadcasting that is happening now – and vision on tv’s place in this.